Chrome: How to get back classic icons
Put this in url : chrome://flags/#customize-chrome-side-panel Se it to Disable
Put this in url : chrome://flags/#customize-chrome-side-panel Se it to Disable
SharePoint Screen Apps are content editor web parts that connect to a text file that is really an html file. That text file includes css & js to load up jquery, react, angularjs, bootstrap, and some special function used to assist in calling SharePoint Rest APIs. This allows for any …
So you have been tasked with choosing between in on-site vs cloud versions of SharePoint. You have another choice and that is to do both also known as hybrid. SharePoint 2013 features are the same on-site and in the cloud. A Forrester Research Inc. survey of IT decision makers shows: …
The X-UA-Compatible meta tag allows web authors to choose what version of Internet Explorer the page should be rendered as. IE11+ have changes to these modes. See IE11 note below. The IE Technical Preview, the version that will be released after IE 11, will only honor X-UA-Compatible meta tag in …
Create SharePoint 2013 in Azure The instructions on how to do this, Build SP2013 in the Cloud, are not up-to-date. So I have updated them. Word version of this here Change [XYZ] to your initials, in my case JDH Create Azure Affinity Group Selecting Settings Click the +ADD button on …