SharePoint 2010 batch files to install DLLs into the GAC

Instead of manually coping over DLLs into the GAC you can use following bat files: 1.CopyDLLsToHere.bat copy ..\..\bin\Debug\*.dll . 2.Install_DLLs_Application_into_GAC @echo off call GAC_DLLs DLLName iisreset GAC_DLLs.bat ECHO OFF ECHO Adding %1 to GAC Set CurrentFolder=%~dp0% call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86 cd %currentFolder% GACUTIL -if %1.dll Steps to use: Compile project to …

SharePoint 2010 PowerShell scripts to install Web Parts and Features

For development you can use Visual Studio 2010  features (right click deploy) to install web parts and features, but once you get into testing/staging and production enviornemnts you can use the following script Web Parts POWERSHELL-SharePoint-WebPart.ps1 Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell Write-Host "Initializing parameters" $featureAction=$args[3] $CurrentDir=$args[0] $solutionName=$args[1] + ".wsp" $webpartName=$args[1] $SolutionPath=$CurrentDir + "\" + …